List of publications
Review of Peter van Ham Peter’s, Guge – Ages of Gold. The West-Tibetan Masterpieces (Munich, Hirmer Verlag, 2016) by L. Bruneau, EMSCAT, n°48.
Review of Rob Linrothe’s, Seing Into Stone : Pre-Buddhist Petroglyphs and Zangskar’s Early Inhabitants (New Delhi, Studio Orientalia, 2016) by M. Vernier, EMSCAT, n°48.
“Evidence of human presence in the Himalayan mountains: new insights from petroglyphs”, M. Vernier / L. Bruneau, in: H. Prins / T. Namgail (eds.), Bird Migration across the Himalayas: wetland functioning amidst mountains and glaciers, Cambridge University Press, p.319-332.
Zamthang, epicentre of Zanskar’s rock art heritage”, M. Vernier, Revue d’Études Tibétaines [Paris], n°35, pp. 53-105.
“Étude thématique et stylistique des pétroglyphes du Ladakh (Jammu et Cachemire, Inde): une nouvelle contribution à l’art rupestre d’Asie centrale pour l’Âge du Bronze”, L. Bruneau, Eurasia Antiqua [Mainz], vol.18 [2012], p.69-88.
“The Rock Art of Ladakh: A Historiographic and Thematic Study”, L. Bruneau. In: Ajit Kumar (ed.), Rock Art: Recent Researches and New Perspectives (Festschrift to Padma Shri Dr. Prof. Yashodhar Mathpal), New Bharatiya Book Corporation, Delhi, pp. 79-99.
“An Archaeological Survey of the Nubra Region (Ladakh, Jammu and Kashmir, India) ”, Q. Devers / L. Bruneau / M. Vernier, Études mongoles et sibériennes, centrasiatiques et tibétaines (EMSCAT) [Paris], n°46, 55 pages.
“Chigtan Castle and Mosque: a Preliminary Historical and Architectural Analysis”, K. Mumtaz / J. Bray / Q. Devers / M. Vernier. In: Lo Bue, E.F. / Bray, J., Art and Architecture in Ladakh. Cross-cultural transmission in the Himalayas and Karakoram, Brill’s Tibetan Studies Library vol. 35, Brill, Leiden, pp. 254-273.
“An Archaeological Account of Ten Early Painted Chortens in Ladakh”, Q. Devers / L. Bruneau L. / M., Vernier. In: Lo Bue, E.F. / Bray, J., Art and Architecture in Ladakh. Cross-cultural transmission in the Himalayas and Karakoram, Brill’s Tibetan Studies Library vol. 35, Brill, Leiden, pp. 100-140.
“L’art rupestre du Ladakh et ses liens avec l’Asie centrale protohistorique”, L. Bruneau, in: J. Bendezu-Sarmiento (éd.), Archéologie française en Asie centrale post-soviétique. Un enjeu sociopolitique et culturel -Cahiers d’Asie Centrale [Tachkent], n° 21-22, éditions IFEAC-De Boccard, pp. 487-498.
“The Rock Art of Upper Tibet and Ladakh: Inner Asian cultural adaptation, regional differentiation and the Western Tibetan Plateau Style”, L. Bruneau / J.V. Bellezza, Revue d’Etudes Tibétaines [Paris], n°27, pp. 83-104.
“The rock art site of Zamthang (Zanskar), when money and good will turn into disaster”, M. Vernier / L. Bruneau, Ladakh Studies – Journal of the International Association of Ladakh Studies, n° 29, pp. 25-27.
“The Forgotten Citadel of Stok mon mkhar”, M. Vernier, Revue d’Etudes Tibétaines, n°. 27, Octobre 2013, pp. 83-104.
“A Remarkable Chorten in Markha Village, Ladakh”, M. Vernier / Q. Devers, Artibus Asiae [Zurich], Vol. LXXII, No. 2, pp. 443-451.
“Stok Mon Khar”, M. Vernier, Tibet Archaeology, Newsletter (The flight of the kyung)
“Influence of the Indian cultural area in Ladakh in the 1st millennium AD: the rock inscriptions evidence”, L. Bruneau, Puratattva – The Bulletin of the Indian Archaeological Society [New Delhi], n°41, pp. 179-190.
“Rock art research in Murgi Tokpo, Nubra valley in Ladakh”, L. Bruneau / Q. Devers / M. Vernier, Purakala (The Journal of the Rock Art Society of India) [Agra], vol. 20-21, pp. 91-98.
“Archaeological heritage at stake”, M. Vernier / L. Bruneau / Q. Devers, Ladakh Studies – Journal of the International Association of Ladakh Studies, n° 27, pp. 13-14.
“An archeological account of the Markha Valley, Ladakh”, Q. Devers / M. Vernier, Revue d’études Tibétaines [Paris], n°20, pp. 61-113.
“Stèles et reliefs bouddhistes anciens” et “Les gravures rupestres au Ladakh”, M. Vernier, encarts, Guide aventures, Ladakh Zanskar, Editions Olizane, Genève, pp. 38-41 et 102-104.
“Animal style of the steppes in Ladakh: a presentation of newly discovered petroglyphs”, L. Bruneau / M. Vernier. In: L. M. Olivieri / L. Bruneau / M. Ferrandi (eds.), Pictures in Transformation: Rock art Research between Central Asia and the Subcontinent, British Archaeological Reports (BAR) International Series 2167, Oxford, Archaeopress, pp. 27-36.
“L’architecture bouddhique dans la vallée du Haut Indus (Pakistan): un essai de typologie des représentations rupestres de stūpa”, L. Bruneau, Arts Asiatiques [Paris], volume 62, pp. 63-75.
“Exploration et documentation des pétroglyphes du Ladakh : 1996-2006”, M. Vernier (Préface de H.-P. Francfort), Sierre, Fondation Carlo Leone et Mariena Montandon, 83 p. Nodo Libri, Como, ISBN 978-88-7185-134-1.
Compte-rendu par J. Bray dans Ladakh Studies (2008)
“Ancient art pieces from Kashmir are being smuggled into Ladakh’s Bazars”, M. Vernier, report, Unmesh (Newsletter of NS Kashmir Research Institute), Oct.-Dec. 2000.
“Study of rock art in Ladakh Himalayas”, M. Vernier, NSKRI to associate with Swiss scholar’s work, Unmesh (Newsletter of NS Kashmir Research Institute), January-March 2000.