An interview of L. BRUNEAU about the genesis of the MAFIL and its activities was published into issue n°10 of Éphéméride, the bi-annual magazine of EPHE (Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes-PSL Research University), p.31-33.
Summary of the MAFIL’s 2016 excavations, East Asian Civilisations Research Centre Newsletter (January-March 2017 issue, p.2.
In 2016 a team of French journalists, working for the Delhi office of France 2 (one of the main French national TV channels) filmed the excavations conducted by MAFIL’s team at the Buddhist temple of Leh Choskor. The MAFIL’s work was included into a five-part documentary entitled ‘Dans les pas de Bouddha’ (Following Buddha’s footsteps) aired on French national TV (France 2) the first week of January 2017 (from Monday 2nd to Friday 6th) during the mid-day news (Journal de 13h) with a daily average of 2 500 000 viewers.
The episodes are available on the You Tube Channel of France 2 New Delhi (the MAFIL’s excavations are shown in episodes 1, 3 and 5) :
L. Bruneau answered Christophe Migeon’s questions about the archeology of Zhangzhung (Western Tibet): press item published in issue 162 of Les Cahiers de Science & Vie Histoire et Civilisation (France), July 2016.
M. Vernier presented the MAFIL to Swissnexindiablog, an initiative of the State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation SERI and an annex of the Consulate General of Switzerland: “Archaeology and Rock Art project in Ladakh”, June 2014.
M. Vernier shared his worries and thoughts about the preservation of ladakhi rock art with Tara Sharma, Shesrig Melong, bi-annual newsletter of the INTACH Ladakh chapter, Reflections on culture, issue 01, Dec 2011, pp. 1-3.
M. Vernier gave an-hour long interview about Ladakh for the show Détours presented by Madeleine Caboche on “La 1ère” (Radio Télévision Suisse), broadcasted on 23rd of Septembre 2013.
M. Vernier shared his worries and thoughts about the conservation of Leh Old town with Anne Lefèvre-Balleydier, press item (“Leh, vaincue par abandon”) published in issue 130 of Les Cahiers de Science et vie (France), July 2012.
M. Vernier shared his worries and thoughts about the conservation of Alchi monastic site with Anne Lefèvre-Balleydier, press item (“Alchi, un témoin en danger de l’histoire du Tibet”) published in Beaux Arts Magazine, special issue Le tour du monde des chefs d’œuvres en péril, Decembre 2013.
L. Bruneau and M. Vernier shared their worried and thoughts about the preservation of ladakhi rock art with Christian Chabert, press item (“Ladakh-Zanskar Gravures rupestres en péril”) published in issue 89 of Trek Magazine [Grenoble, France], April 2007.