L. Bruneau, lecture delivered at the Alliance Française, Northwest University, Xi’an (China), 27th of October: “The introduction of Buddhism into Ladakh from an archaeological perspective: results of the Franco-Indian Archaeological Mission”.
L. Bruneau, lecture delivered at 18th Congress of the International Association for Buddhist Studies (IABS), Toronto, 20th-25th August 2017: “Archaeology of Ladakh: new data for the history of Buddhism in the Western Himalayas”.
L. Bruneau, lecture delivered at the Centre of Central Asian Studies (CCAS), University of Kashmir (Srinagar, Jammu & Kashmir), 6th of July 2017: “A report of recent archaeological investigations in Ladakh: the Central Asian Connection over time (Bronze Age-10th century AD)”.
L. Bruneau and M. Vernier, lecture delivered at the 18th conference of the International Association for Ladakh Studies (IALS), Bedlewo, 2nd-6th May 2017: “New discoveries for the history of Buddhism in Ladakh: the MAFIL’s excavations at Leh Choskor”
L. Bruneau, lecture delivered at the Museum of Himalayan Archaeology & Ethnography, HNB Garhwal University (Srinagar, Uttarakhand), 27th of March: “The introduction of Buddhism into Ladakh based on archaeological data”.
L. Bruneau, lecture delivered at the Cernuschi Museum, Paris, 24th of January for the SEECHAC (Société Européenne pour l’Etude Des Civilisations de l’Himalaya et de l’Asie Centrale) : “L’introduction du Bouddhisme au Ladakh (Himalaya occidental, Inde) : nouvelles données archéologiques”.
L. Bruneau and M. Vernier, lecture delivered at the Centre for Social Sciences and Humanities, Delhi, 29th of June: “Archaeological research in Ladakh: results of the Franco-Indian cooperation project”. Event organized by the French Institute in India (IFI).
L. Bruneau, paper delivered at the panel “Towards a study of the visual culture of Tibet and the Himalayas” organized by Amy Heller: 14th international congress of the Association for Tibetan studies, June 20th 2016: “In between Kashmir and Xinjiang: Buddhist remains of the Nubra region. Results of the Franco-Indian Archaeological Mission in Ladakh”, Bergen, Norway.
L. Bruneau and M. Vernier, paper delivered at the “Journée d’études en mémoire d’Anne Chayet“ (A one-day workshop dedicated to the memory of late Anne Chayet), on May 23rd : “Le Ladakh : un cas d’étude pour l’archéologie himalayenne ?”, Collège de France/CRCAO, Paris.
L. Bruneau, lecture delivered at the Musée National des Arts Asiatiques-Guimet (MNAAG) [French National Museum of Asian Arts], on April 7th 2016: “Ladakh before Buddhism, new archaeological discoveries”, Paris. Event organized by the AFAO and the MNAAG.
L. Bruneau, paper delivered at the 19th congress of the Rock Art Society of India, on December 4-6th, “Identification of styles in the rock art of Ladakh: local or foreign?”, Pondicherry.
L. Bruneau, paper delivered at the 22nd conference of the European Association of South Asian Archaeology and Art (EASAA), on June 30th to July 4th, “Gateway to Central Asia: the Nubra from prehistory to history. Results of the first campaign of the Indo-French Archaeological Mission in Ladakh”, Stockholm.
M. Vernier, talks delivered during the workshop organized by SLCT-India: “On biodiversity and rock arts in Ladakh”, June 22nd, “Rock art in Ladakh”, and “Petroglyphs at Cha, Zanskar”, Leh.
L. Bruneau, paper delivered at the international seminar “French Contribution to Pakistan Studies“ organized by the French Embassy in Pakistan on February 3rd, “Rock art researches along the Upper Indus: past, present and future”, Taxila Institute for Asian Civilizations, Quaid-i Azam University, Islamabad.
L. Bruneau, paper delivered at the 16th conference of the International Association for Ladakh Studies (IALS), on April 17-20th, “The rock stūpas images from Ladakh: a typological and comparative study”, Heidelberg.
M. Vernier, lecture delivered at the “Himalayan Week-end’s conferences“, September 28th, “Cultural patrimony of Ladakh, conservation and protection, problematic and perspectives”, Pôle Sud Socio-Cultural Center, Lausanne.
L. Bruneau (in collaboration with J. Pons, Ruhr Universität-Bochum) paper delivered at the 21st conference of the l’European Association of South Asian Archaeology and Art (EASAA) on July 2-6, “Diffusion of Gandharan Buddhist cult monuments along the Silk Roads: their architectural and narrative context”, Ecole du Louvre, Paris.
L. Bruneau, paper delivered at the International Seminar on “Archaeology of Buddhism in Asia” on invitation of the Archaeological Survey of India, February 17-19th, “Buddhist remains in the Nubra valley (Ladakh, Jammu & Kashmir): stone carvings and stūpas on the way to Central Asia”, National Museum, Delhi.
L. Bruneau, paper delivered at the seminar “Buddhist text corpora and iconography along the Silk Road. Dynamics of transfer and interaction“, organized by Käte Hamburger Kolleg ‘Dynamics in the History of Religions between Asia and Europe’, on November 24-25, “The Petroglyphs of the Western Himalayas: New Data on the Ancient Tracks of the Diffusion of Buddhism”, Ruhr-Universität, Bochum.
M. Vernier, L. Bruneau and Q. Devers, in partnership with the Tibet Heritage Fund (THF) and the INTACH-Srinagar, opening presentation at the workshop on “Research and Heritage Cooperation in Ladakh“ May 21st, Leh.
See the power point presentation (soon available)
L. Bruneau, paper delivered at the seminar “Archaeological research and architectural conservation in Ladakh“, August 23rd, “Ladakh from Prehistory to History: a study of rock art”, Leh.
L. Bruneau, paper delivered at the International Workshop on Gandharan Cultural Heritage, December 1-3rd, : “Gandharan Buddhist architecture in the petroglyphs of the Western Himalayas”, Taxila Institute of Asian Civilizations, Islamabad.
L. Bruneau, M. Vernier and Q. Devers, paper delivered at the 14th conference of the International Association for Ladakh Studies (IALS), July 16-19, “Bronze Age in Ladakh: new petroglyphs from the Nubra valley”, Leh.
L. Bruneau and M. Vernier, lecture at the Institute of Archaeology, on invitation of the institute director, “Rock art patrimony of Ladakh”, Institute of Archaeology, Red Fort, New Delhi.
L. Bruneau and M. Vernier, paper delivered at the 19th conference of the European Association of South Asian Archaeology and Art (EASAA), July 2-6th, “Animal style of the steppes in Ladakh: a presentation of newly discovered petroglyphs”, Ravenna.
L. Bruneau, lecture delivered at the Foundation University College of Liberal Arts & Sciences (FUCLAS), on invitation by the Higher Education Commission, “An introduction to Rock Art Studies”, Rawalpindi, Pakistan.
L. Bruneau, paper delivered at the 18th conference of the European Association of South Asian Archaeology and Art (EASAA), July 4-8th, “Protohistory of the Western Himalayas: a preliminary study of rock art”, London.
M. Vernier, lecture at the International Seminar on Cultural heritage of Indian Himalayas, “Rock Art Sites from Bronze Age in Zanskar”, Bhopal.
M. Vernier, lecture at the IGNCA (Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts), “Rock art in Zanskar valleys”, Delhi.